Preserved wild garlic using three methods: Wild Garlic Oil Fermented Wild Garlic Wild Garlic Powder

Consumed raw or cooked, Wild Garlic adds versatility to any dish.⁠

Wild Garlic oil - Use: Drizzle over salads, roasted vegetables, or use as a base for dressings and marinades.⁠

Fermented Wild Garlic - Use: Add fermented wild garlic to salads, sandwiches, or as a tangy condiment.⁠

Wild Garlic powder - Use: Sprinkle wild garlic powder over soups, stews, or mix into goat cheese for a delicious beetroot salad topping.⁠

Prep time: 30 mins
Cooking time: For Garlic powder - dehydrate low heat until fully dry
Serves: 10


  • Wild Garlic Oil:
  • Bunch Fresh wild garlic leaves
  • 340ml Good quality olive oil
  • Fermented Wild Garlic:
  • Bunch Fresh wild garlic leaves
  • 2 Tbls salt
  • 1 Litre water
  • Wild Garlic Powder:
  • 2 Bunches of Fresh wild garlic leaves


  1. Wild Garlic Oil:
    Wash and dry the wild garlic leaves thoroughly
  2. Blend the leaves with olive oil until smooth
  3. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh or cheesecloth
  4. Store the oil in a sterilized bottle in the fridge for up to 2 weeks
  5. Fermented Wild Garlic:
    Wash and roughly chop the wild garlic leaves.⁠
  6. Create a brine by dissolving 2 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water and submerge the garlic leaves in the brine, ensuring they are fully covered.⁠
  7. Seal the container and leave it at room temperature for 1-2 weeks, then transfer to the fridge.⁠
  8. Wild Garlic Powder:
    Wash and dry the wild garlic leaves
  9. Spread the leaves out on a baking sheet and dry them in a low oven (around 50°C) until completely dehydrated
  10. Spread the leaves out on a baking sheet and dry them in a low oven (around 50°C) until completely dehydrated
  11. Grind the dried leaves into a fine powder using a spice grinder or mortar and pestle & store the powder in a Folláin jar.⁠